
Garbage Enzymes

November 15, 2010 by Jin

In relation to the EM article, Garbage Enzyme is based on a similar mechanism of using the process of fermentation to derive the Enzyme. Like the EM post, these Enzymes can be used for just about everything and is environmentally friendly and is 100% sustainable. Unlike EM that requires the balls/organisms to be purchased and used, Garbage Enzyme only requires home ingredients and time to be effective. Using an aspect ratio of 1 brown unrefined sugar/molasses : 3 veg+fruit waste : 10 water and 3 months of fermentation time to reach maturity, the bi-product of the liquid can be used for compost and to promote sustainable agriculture and the liquid can be diluted to be used as a cleaning agent, fertiliser, and much more.

“The gasses released during the fermentation process also helps the ozone layer – the gasses released can reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and will reduce global warming. O3 + NO3 + CO3 are produced during the fermentation process and help purify and whiten the clouds in the sky. These clouds trap heavy metals that make the clouds dark that cause heat to be trapped on earth because of the greenhouse effect” (Dr. Rosukon and Dr. Oon; Interview 2010).
Dr. Rosukon and Dr. Oon are two researchers from Thailand and Malaysia who agreed to answer some of my questions on GE. The enzyme is 100% vegetarian/vegan friendly because it only uses fruit and vegetable waste and therefore will not omit bad smells during the fermentation process.

Today, many people producing garbage enzymes in their home also use it like EM to neutralise and to clear rivers, polluted streams and to help the environment around Asia. This enzyme was also used for the flood victims in Pakistan – hmm. something to think about maybe? Cheap as chips. :)

About Garbage Enzyme (2010) Interview with Dr. Rosukon & Dr. Oon (Accessed: 5th November 2010).


