
Garbage enzyme

Garbage enzyme

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What is garbage enzyme?

Garbage enzyme was first developed by Dr. Rosukon of Thailand.
In very simple language, garbage ezyme is the product of fermentation of vegetable/fruit wastes in a mixture of water and brown sugar after a period of 3 months. The final garbage enzyme liquid is obtained after filtration and removal of the residue. It is the process of fermentation with the key ingredient of brown sugar that is metabolized by bacteria into alcohol which is subsequently reduced to acetic acid or vinegar.
It is very easy to make garbage enzyme. The main ingredients are vegetable cuttings and fruit peels and fruit skins. The other ingredient is brown sugar. Then you add water and let ferment for 3 months. That simple! I know because I am making the garbage enzyme. The ratio is 1 part brown sugar, 3 parts vege/fruit cuttings, and 10 parts water.
The use of this garbage enzyme is reported to be able to help reduce global warming.  The name "garbage enzyme" is a bit of a misnomer because the main ingredients are not actually the filthy garbage, but clean vegetable and fruit peelings.

Saving the Environment, Save the World

Saving the Environment, Save the World

May 31st, 2009
As a certified sustainable business in Sacramento, Hannibal’s Catering is actively finding ways to be more efficient in saving our environment and cost savings by recycling and reducing waste in our commercial kitchen. More than half of our daily kitchen waste came from vegetables trims and fruits rinds. In the summer months, during the peak of the fruit season, our kitchen would generate more than a hundred gallon of leftover vegetables and fruit rinds on a daily basis.

As part of a solution, Hannibal’s Catering is turning to “Garbage Enzyme” to make lemonade out of lemons. It’s even easy to make than lemonade. Discover the endless benefits for use in your restaurant /catering kitchen of this Earth-saving enzyme. Garbage Enzyme is the solution to recover the ozone layer that is depleting and help is lower global warming.

Garbage Enzyme is a complex solution produced by fermentation of fresh kitchen waste (fruits and vegetables), sugar (brown sugar, jiggery or molasses sugar) and water. It is dark brown and has a strong sweet sour fermented scent. Garbage enzyme is a multipurpose liquid and its applications covers household, agriculture, industrial etc.


1 桶等於植樹10棵 垃圾酵素益環保

http://news.sina.com 2008年10月07日 04:41 光華日報
